Amazing opportunities in the country of Colombia
Christian Media International has an amazing opportunity to partner with missionary Aaron Vance in the country of Colombia to broadcast messages on network television. If you would like to learn more about this opportunity click here –
If you would like to see more videos on Colombia here is a list of videos below-
Eddie Interviews missionary Aaron Vance – VIdeo
Eddie Interviews Tim Brennan – Video
Eddie Interviews Dave Jorgensen – Video
Follow Eddie Wilson
Eddie graduated from The Ohio State University School of Broadcasting with a degree in Broadcast Sales and Marketing. He studied marketing at Georgia Tech and business management at Emory University. His degree in Theology is from Hyles- Anderson College. He is now the President of Affinity Worldwide and speaks at business conferences across the country. His passion for using Media to reach the world with the gospel keeps him on the road helping churches and missionaries alike understand how to best use the tools that we have been given to be most effective.