August Prayer Update
It is hard to believe that summer is almost over! This summer has been so productive for CMI. I want to thank all who have participated in missions trips, all who gave, all who prayed, and all of the churches that have allowed me to share my God given vision and work. Here are some current updates:
We built a television station in the country of Honduras that airs gospel programming 24 hours per day. We also took 12 people on a mission trip to see how media in a country can extremely enhance the work of the local missionaries, and how the response to the programming can lead to new members and disciples in a local new testament Baptist church.
We met with local radio station owners in Panama City to discuss the purchase of a radio station in the capital that would potentially reach 3-5 million people. We are still searching God’s will for this matter. Please continue to pray that His will would be done.
Israel Velugu (owner of Velugu television) and I have spoken many times about the possibility of training young people in the country of India for the purpose of creating programming to preach the gospel all over India. We have also purchased our second program on this satellite television station that has the potential to reach nearly 800 million people in India. We are airing Pastor Charles Blackstock in English, and Pastor Justus Banuel in Tamil. I will be in India in October with Pastor Annand Kumar and the owner of Velugu TV to discuss further expansion and follow up on all of our converts.
We have been delayed for sometime now due to the lack of preachers who are willing to preach in Mandarin and go on national television in China. We have the opportunity to reach a majority of the country but need a preacher. Lord willing we will be in China in December to film 3 different pastors so that we can go on the air in China in a BIG way in 2015.
Christian Media Institute:
One of the major issues with the vision God has given me is the lack of dedicated Christians who have skill in media that can produce what we need. Part of CMI’s purpose is to teach media skills to Christians so that we can continue to expand God’s work. This is being accomplished in our travelling institute that is being held all over the U.S. Please pray and see if God would have you host a one day Media Institute at your church so that we can continue to equip God’s people with the tools to evangelize our world.
Follow Eddie Wilson
Eddie graduated from The Ohio State University School of Broadcasting with a degree in Broadcast Sales and Marketing. He studied marketing at Georgia Tech and business management at Emory University. His degree in Theology is from Hyles- Anderson College. He is now the President of Affinity Worldwide and speaks at business conferences across the country. His passion for using Media to reach the world with the gospel keeps him on the road helping churches and missionaries alike understand how to best use the tools that we have been given to be most effective.