The People of the Stream – Part 2

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The hard work has been completed. The pulpit has been wiped down after a blisteringly good sermon has been preached. The lights have been turned off, forcing the lingering crowds to slowly drifted home, or maybe to the restaurant to continue the fellowship.

The hard work has been completed. The pulpit has been wiped down after a blisteringly good sermon has been preached. The lights have been turned off, forcing the lingering crowds to slowly drift home, or maybe to the restaurant to continue the fellowship.

Now, what happens to the sermon that is still ringing in the ears of the listeners? Does it fade away like the crowds of people who go on about their business after the service, quickly forgetting what was just being preached so fervently, just hours ago?

While that might be the case in many churches across America, around our church, the first time that message was preached from behind the pulpit will not be the last time! It was just the first of many times that it will be heard, and hearing it multiple times helps people to remember the message!

Not only was the message heard inside the walls of our church, but it was also heard by The People of the Stream. And while that might seem like enough, it is not!

Sometimes, the message was so helpful to you that you just have to hear it again and again to wring every drop of Gospel Goodness from the preaching.

Or perhaps you have made it your personal ministry to take the message to shut ins who are unable to swim in the Live Stream because they don’t have access to the ole inner webs, and you also want to allow folks at the nursing homes to enjoy your pastor’s phenomenal preaching.

What can you do if you missed part of the message because something the preacher just said suddenly brought that random memory into your head that you hadn’t thought about in years, or maybe you just realized that you might have left the iron on and now you’re worried that your house might burn down while you are at church… How can you rewind what was just said during the critical part of the message you just missed while your mind wandered away from you?

Not to worry! You can catch the message as many times as you need to in order to get what you want to get out of it.

Portable preaching is now possible! [bctt tweet=”Portable preaching is now possible!” via=”no”] No tape decks or CD/DVD players are needed, either! This is the 21st Century, after all. Now, we have laptops, tablets, smartphones and wifi!

Our church posts all of the service videos on our website, so every service can be viewed at any time that is convenient for you. It includes the video of the singing as well as the preaching from Sunday services, so folks can enjoy the worship service. Our midweek Bible study is also posted.

Sometimes, you want to hear the preaching, but watching the video just isn’t the safest thing to do, such as while driving to and from work, or welding steel beams together, or while feeding sharks at the aquarium.

We have a solution for that as well!

With every sermon video that is posted on our website, we now post a podcast version of just the preaching portion of the service, which you can download onto your smartphone and simply listen to the preaching to your heart’s content, all while keeping your eyes on the traffic, or the molten steel you are welding, or on the sharks with giant teeth leaping out of the water to snatch the big, floppy fish out of your hand as you feed them.

Yeah, you definitely want to keep your eyes on your work when doing that!

You can help get Gospel preaching to so many people through your social media accounts. Posting the podcast or a link to the video on your Facebook page, and getting your friends to share it exponentially increases the reach of the Gospel.

Your church can do the same thing our church is doing. Why must a sermon be just for us inside the building, and The People of the Stream who are tuned in at just the right time to catch your live streamed service? By posting the video and an audio-only version of the service, your pastor’s soul stirring sermon can keep on stirring souls over and over again!

Let’s face it – an awful lot of preparation goes into good preaching. Studying, praying, digging deep into the Word of God, laboring over the message for days, and sometimes weeks. The number of people who receive benefit from all of that effort should not be limited to just the crowd who was present at the time the preaching was unleashed upon the congregation.

Post your service videos to your church webpage, and post podcasts, or mp3 audio files for people to download and listen to again and again, helping them to grow spiritually, and enabling folks to share the Gospel through their social media and help reach the world for Christ!


Follow Eddie Wilson

Eddie graduated from The Ohio State University School of Broadcasting with a degree in Broadcast Sales and Marketing. He studied marketing at Georgia Tech and business management at Emory University. His degree in Theology is from Hyles- Anderson College. He is now the President of Affinity Worldwide and speaks at business conferences across the country. His passion for using Media to reach the world with the gospel keeps him on the road helping churches and missionaries alike understand how to best use the tools that we have been given to be most effective.

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