Recent Testimonials from Television Viewers
“Anna and Shapoor, a Persian couple contacted me from Turkey and I led them to the Lord over the Skype.” – Pastor Michael Germi (Iranian Broadcast)
“Hello my name is Albert Shah. I watch your broadcast every week. I was born a Hindu and believed there was many gods. After watching your television program I realized that there is only one true God. I trusted Him as my Savior. Mrs Santos who answers the phone during your broadcast helped me find a church in my area near Nagpur where I got baptized. Thank you for your program. God Bless You!” – (Nagpur, India)
(This story comes from Pastor Ted Speer directing one of his listeners to a church in Nigeria to a partnering ministry) “Joy, the lady who reached out to you from your television program. She not only visited our church, got baptized and joined our membership, but she also enrolled in our Bible institute before I left for furlough! She is currently attending classes that one of our seminary teachers is offering on Daniel & Revelation. She explained that she had gotten disenchanted with pentecostal teachings, and had been out of church for two years before seeing your preaching. May God continue your media ministry!” – from Pastor Ted Speer (our Ghana Television Broadcast)
“Mohammad Mobarak texted me (from our Farsi program), and asked me how he can have eternal life. I shared the gospel with him, and told him that he needed to ask Jesus to save him. The next day he texted me back saying that he prayed and asked Jesus to be his Savior, and he felt that a burden was lifted up from him. I started to send him discipleship lessons on Telegram which is an app that you can text or share files. After two months he told me that he wants to get baptized, but couldn’t find a church in Iran to do it. He asked me if I knew a church in Turkey so he can go there to get baptized. He traveled all the way to Turkey from Iran to get baptized. Praise the Lord!” – From Pastor Michael Germi (our Iranian Broadcast
Follow Eddie Wilson
Eddie graduated from The Ohio State University School of Broadcasting with a degree in Broadcast Sales and Marketing. He studied marketing at Georgia Tech and business management at Emory University. His degree in Theology is from Hyles- Anderson College. He is now the President of Affinity Worldwide and speaks at business conferences across the country. His passion for using Media to reach the world with the gospel keeps him on the road helping churches and missionaries alike understand how to best use the tools that we have been given to be most effective.