CMI Colombia Studio
Missionary Aaron Vance and his Aubrey have 4 daughters and home for them is Georgia in the US. We have been working to complete a studio for this ministry and are looking to complete that in the second quarter of 2022. The country of Colombia has a lengthy process that is required in order for us to air programs on television. The steps include having the ministry be recognized by the government so that they can do business, in a sense, with these television agencies.
The Network
We already have television networks that are available to us and we are looking forward to getting this studio completed and programs produced. Aaron and the ministry in Colombia have worked to plant multiple churches and have the infrastructure in place to to seize on the responses and growth that we have seen in other countries.
The country of Colombia has a population of 50 million people and they are continuing to see consistent growth of those numbers. This is a wonderful opportunity with a partner who is in place and prepared for the upcoming launch.
The Opportunity
50 MM
Total population of Colombia
Unreached people groups
Cities of 20,000 or more
Broadcast Archives