What other streaming options should I consider?
In the past three weeks we have seen an unprecedented explosion in the rate of broadcasts on Facebook. More than 100,000 churches streamed live services and that number continues to grow. Because of the issues that Facebook has had keeping up with the growth it is important to have alternate streaming options. Here are several alternatives to consider.
I want to give you a quick tip concerning Facebook streaming.
A few weeks ago the numbers came out and over 80,000 churches of any kind tried to stream their services both on Facebook and other means. The next week it was over 100,000. It was such a large quantity that on Sunday morning Facebook started having issues with their streaming platform, especially for desktop computers. So, I want to give you some alternatives.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_92M7UHHnQ&width=1200&height=675¢ervid=1[/embedyt]
What other mediums should I be on?
What we recommend is sending your stream out to multiple locations. Many of you stream on your website. That’s probably the best and most stable way. But, we recommend that you use a service such as Wirecast https://www.telestream.net/wirecast/) or Stream Yard (https://streamyard.com/) to name a couple. We recommend that you broadcast to multiple mediums, all simultaneously. Whatever the output of your stream is, you run it through one of these software implementations and then it automatically will put it on Facebook, YouTube, and various other platforms. This will help you distribute your viewership across multiple mediums.
People that watch on YouTube typically don’t watch on Facebook and people who watch on Facebook don’t typically watch on your website. This a great way to distribute your viewership across multiple platforms and reach people you would not otherwise reach. Another benefit is that if one platform has an issue like Facebook did just this past week, then people go to one of the other options you have. In your messaging, you can say something like- “if you’re having an issue during the service, try one of these other locations where our stream is located” and list them with links on your website and social media channels.
The more diversified you are in your streaming platforms, the better off you’re going to be when one or more shut down. Last week, I know that I received calls from a few churches that their stream went down mid-stream. And if you have any questions, let us know. Join us and, and connect with us on Facebook or Instagram. We’d be happy to answer any questions you have. Have a great day.
God bless.
Follow Eddie Wilson
Eddie graduated from The Ohio State University School of Broadcasting with a degree in Broadcast Sales and Marketing. He studied marketing at Georgia Tech and business management at Emory University. His degree in Theology is from Hyles- Anderson College. He is now the President of Affinity Worldwide and speaks at business conferences across the country. His passion for using Media to reach the world with the gospel keeps him on the road helping churches and missionaries alike understand how to best use the tools that we have been given to be most effective.