Curious to know our FOCUS for 2018?

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Over the last five years, Christian Media International has witnessed God bless and work in miraculous ways. In 2017 alone we saw many wonderful events take place.

Over the last five years, Christian Media International has witnessed God bless and work in miraculous ways. In 2017 alone we saw many wonderful events take place. 

In January, the team traveled to Thailand where we recorded four languages. National pastors preached in Thai, Burmese, Cambodian and Laotian. Also, our ministry in the Ukraine expanded with many new churches planted. In Laos, we are leading the charge with a much needed translation of the Bible into the Laotian language. CMI traveled to Bucharest, Romania where we recorded Hungarian and Romanian programming. Three national pastors preached these sermons while sharing their burden for these countries in Eastern Europe. We also recorded Chinese, English, Farsi, Swahili, Telugu and Ukrainian. God blessed in so many ways!

In 2018, we are focusing our efforts on these five main goals:

1. Reach Ghana with the gospel. We have an opportunity to reach 29 million people in Ghana and the surrounding countries. We have raised $12k of the $20k necessary to launch this broadcast. We will be traveling to Ghana as well to help them set up this studio and establish a contact center while working with Pastor Ted Speer to make all of this a reality.

2. Reach Guyana with the gospel. Pastor Rhoades in Guyana has preachers ready to preach and they are willing to cover much of the cost of airing the broadcasts. They have asked us to come as soon as possible to record and reach out to the networks there.

3. Reach India with the gospel. We are currently airing in every province. We will expand with the Hindi language and another very large network. We will need to take two trips this year to check on the current station and call center as well as visit our church plants.

4. Reach Pakistan with the gospel. Lord willing, CMI will take a trip to Pakistan and record Urdu preachers in order to air nationals in their country. There is also a need to create a network of local pastors to receive the responses.

5. Reach China with the gospel. In 2017, we were finally able to record our first set of Mandarin broadcasts. The next step is to travel to China and finalize the details of airing this content to the entire country.

The Lord has laid these items out for us and we are praying daily for his guidance. Would you pray with us and plead with Him to direct our paths in 2018? If you would like to get involved further or would like specific updates please visit

Follow Eddie Wilson

Eddie graduated from The Ohio State University School of Broadcasting with a degree in Broadcast Sales and Marketing. He studied marketing at Georgia Tech and business management at Emory University. His degree in Theology is from Hyles- Anderson College. He is now the President of Affinity Worldwide and speaks at business conferences across the country. His passion for using Media to reach the world with the gospel keeps him on the road helping churches and missionaries alike understand how to best use the tools that we have been given to be most effective.

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